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13 Youtube Channels Christian Men

Mack Deptula

Here are the channels on Youtube that helped me grow as a Christian man. As with everything, sometimes on those channels, we will find the good stuff, and sometimes we will find bad stuff. Some channels are particularly about Christianity for men, others are more theological, few apologists here too. Got any questions, ask me.

CVM is a movement. It is made up of thousands of men who believe the message of Jesus is true, relevant and much needed in the UK today. CVM exists to serve the local church to engage with men in every village, town and city in this country. The movement is a faithful reaction to the significant number of men who have walked away from the Christian church during the last 30 years. We are stacked full of resources, ideas and contacts ... why not be part of it!

Vince is an author and speaker to men around the world on topics that include manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has authored 19 different books for men and is hosted on major video platforms like RightNow Media and Faithlife TV. He hosts a weekly podcast, writes weekly articles, and provides daily thoughts from God's Word all just for men. He is a 28-year ministry veteran and the founder of Resolute a Men's Ministry Platform that provides bible studies aimed at building better men found at

You will learn to think biblically about everything so you can deal with false teaching, know what Scripture says about specific issues, prove Christianity is true, go deep into theology and become a go to resource for biblical knowledge so you can help others. I have a passion for helping others to carefully and thoughtfully understand and apply the Bible by creating the well-researched biblical content that you have been starving for ever since you first believed. I’m Mike Winger, a pastor who has served in ministry for over 20 years in the local church and I have a heavy burden on my heart to get REAL Bible teaching and knowledge into the lives of others. I want to give you the teaching I’ve been craving for my whole Christian life. I want you to be able to hear me make the case for my views and to be able to reason it through for yourself. I go live Mondays and Fridays at 1pm pacific time. You can go beyond YT by following at the links below.

Hey! Thanks for checking out my channel. My name is Ruslan (yup that's my real name) I'm originally from the former soviet union (Azerbaijan Baku) and my family immigrated to the United States after the pograms of Baku in the early 90's. I currently live in San Marcos, CA with my family. I make YouTube Video to help people contextualize their faith and live God's Dream for their life.

We exist to help you understand how Christianity makes sense of life by breaking down culture's leading voices and events, with the intent to help you grow spiritually, grow in your understanding of others, and grow in your understanding of the Gospel’s meaning for your life.

Acts 17 Apologetics is a Christian YouTube channel founded by Dr. David Wood (a former atheist) and Dr. Nabeel Qureshi (a former Muslim). Nabeel went on to join Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and to write the bestsellers “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” and “No God but One.” Then he went on to be with the Lord. David continues producing videos, dealing primarily with Christian apologetics (defending the existence of God, the Trinity, and the death, resurrection, and deity of Jesus Christ), Islam (analyzing Muhammad, the Quran, sharia, and jihad), atheism, and philosophy.

Offering personal reflections and explanations from a Catholic and Franciscan perspective for Christians who want to become a better disciples of Jesus Christ and discern their vocation.

William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology. A respected debater, prominent Internet presence, and author of Reasonable Faith, Dr. Craig is one of the most influential defenders of Christianity in our day. Dr. Craig pursued his undergraduate studies at Wheaton College and graduate studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, the University of Birmingham (England), and the University of Munich (Germany).

Kyle Bailey, D.Min. is a Pastor, writer, content creator, and Bible teacher in the United States. He is married to his wife Amanda and has 4 children. Pastor Kyle completed his undergraduate work in 2012 and went on to graduate with his Master of Science in Theology from Covenant Bible College and Seminary (headquartered in Hudson, FL) in 2015. Pastor Kyle then proceeded to complete his Doctorate in 2017 at New Covenant Bible College (headquartered in Vero Beach, FL).

My PhD was from Cambridge University, and my goals here are to provide free, quality explorations of history, philosophy, art, and even subjects I find interesting. I don't take myself too seriously, though I always try to take each subject seriously. I also do not expect everyone to agree with me on everything. That is the fun of history: a lot to argue over!

This is the YouTube Channel of J. Warner and Jimmy Wallace. J. Warner is a Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective, Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Adj. Professor of Christian Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and Author of Cold-Case Christianity, God’s Crime Scene, and Forensic Faith, and creator of the Case Makers Academy for kids.

Welcome to Apologia Studios! Our mission is to get the Gospel into all areas of culture. From theology to politics. We discuss everything from modern culture, to mormonism and the cults and do it all in a reformed and relevant way.

Dr. Sean McDowell is a professor at Biola University. On this channel he tackles some of the biggest questions about God, morality, and contemporary culture. Visit for more posts and info.


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